Arch 108 DC2 Spring 2022
Course Description:
This course will focus on 3D modeling of geometric components in Architecture and design. Computer 3D Modeling types covered are: Explicit Modeling, Nurbs Surface Modeling and Basic Computer RenderingÂ
Syllabus: DC2_Syllabus_SP22
Diana Gros
Zahida Khan
Jenna Staff
Alphonso Peluso
Tuesday Sections TA:
TA info:Â Samad Vahora
TA Office Hours: Thursdays in 2pm to 4:30pm in Crown or by Appointment via Zoom
Thursday sections TA:
TA info: Ethan Tsai
TA Office Hours: Tuesdays 2pm to 4pm in Crown or by Appointment via Zoom
Weekly Schedule
Class 01:
InDesign Basics – DC1 Portfolio
Basics: Interface, Making a New Document, Layer Setup, Guides, Image Placement, Text, Fonts,
Switching Layers, Duplicate Spread, Facing Pages, Page Numbers
A01: DCII_A01_SP22 – InDesign Basics
Additional Resources:
50 Best Architecture Portfolio Templates
Class 02:
2D Polygons _ 2D Tessellations _ CAD WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)
Drawing Types: Hand, CAD, Photoshop, Hybrid Hand & Digital
A02: DCII_A02_SP22
Student Examples: Note (Student examples do not always match the assignment sheet. Some are missing requirements of the assignment)
Class 03:
3D Polyhedra _ 3D Tessellations
Polyhedra: Platonic solids, Dihedral angle, Rotate 3D
A03: DC2_A03_SP22
Reading: Polyhedra-Primer-Ch3-Pearce-Pearce
Student Examples:
Pen Hatching and Cross Hatching Examples:
Pen Cross Hatching Tutorial
Polyhedra Video: Dodecahedron Dihedral Angle = 116d34′
Class 04:
Rhino Subtraction Techniques
Section Techniques: Boolean, Contour, Wirecut, SolidPtOn, Shell
A04: DC2_A04_SP22
Student Examples:
3D Printing Basics
3D Printing: Cura Slicing Software _ Model Material _ Support Material _ Infill
The Shop 3D Printing Protocol:
Cura Post Processing Software (AKA) ‘Slicer’ Download
Student Examples:
Ultimaker Videos:
Cura Video:
Class 05:
Rhino CAD – 2D Drawing Basics
Move, Copy, Offset, Array, Scale, Mirror
Trim, Fillet, Line weights, Walls, Doors, Windows, Hatching, Scale Factors
A05: DC2_A05_SP22
Class 06:
Rhino CAD – 3D Modeling and Rendering Basics
Sun, Cameras, Extrusion, Boolean Difference, Solid PT on
A06: DC2_A06_SP22
Class 07:
Rhino – 3D Modeling and Rendering Basics 02_ Materials _ Custom Backgrounds _ adding People
A07: DC2_A07_SP22
Class 08:
Rhino – 3D Modeling and Rendering Basics 03 _Interior Rendering and Interior Lighting
Midterm Assignment
A08 MIDTERM ASSIGNMENT: DC2_Midterm_Assignment_SP22
Midterm Examples:
Class 09: Midterm Presentation
Class 10:
Parametric Modeling 01 – What is Grasshopper?
Transformations: Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale, Array, Extrude, Cap Holes
A09: DC2_A09_SP22
Student Examples:
Class 11:
Parametric Modeling 02 – Massing Models in Grasshopper and Diagrams in Rhino
A10: DC2_A10_SP22
Video 01: Massing Models in Grasshopper
Video 02: Diagrams in Rhino
Class 12:
Parametric Modeling 03 – Parametric Building Surfaces
IsoTrim, Divide Domain2, Bounding Box, Srf Box, Morph Box
A11: DC2_A11_SP22
Final Assignment:
Past Examples: